The Security Benefits of Using Cloud Computing

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Contrary to the popular public sentiment, cloud computing can actually be far more secure than the locally managed systems, especially when it comes to the small and medium size enterprises. In this post, we’ll briefly take you over some of the important security benefits of using Cloud computing for your business.

Multi-factor authentication – Many Cloud computing vendors provide multi factor authentication as an inclusion in their broad range of services. This kind of authentication is more secure in comparison to the conventional username and password method. Rather, multi factor authentication combines something you know (for ex. password) with something you are (for ex. bio-metric) and/or something you have (for ex. a hard token). Majority of small and medium-size companies don’t usually have the required resources (monetary, human and/or time) to implement such authentication systems on their own.

More focused security – It is imperative for the Cloud vendors to focus extensively on securing their services in order to succeed. Rather than tackling or preventing the generic threats, as in case of an in-house security system, cloud vendors get the freedom to, and are excellent at, securing the one thing that needs most protection – your online data.

Professional management – Switching to Cloud for your data storage needs means that you’ll automatically enjoy the services of trained professionals. They’ll manage the patch updates and keep the server up-to-date. Hence, you’ll not be required to keep a full-time network professional on your company’s payroll.

Enterprise hardware at a very competitive price – When you use cloud computing, your data gets stored on hardware that is enterprise grade, and is generally un affordable for a large majority of small and medium size businesses. So, when you opt for cloud computing, you’re instantly upgrading your data storage hardware to much safer equipment.

Involvement of data guards, literally! – Companies that offer cloud computing services normally provide something that small businesses cannot afford easily: an actual security guard. Since your data stored at the data center will be guarded round-the-clock by physical security guards, it’ll be more secure compared to your office premises.

As you weigh the data security options for your organization or business, the above detailed reasons should be good enough to make you opt for cloud computing, rather than using your own office security software or installing your own server.

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